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1、 按照中国现代文学史的线索,以作家作品为讲析重点。以作家作品带文学史。
2、主要采取讲授法。教师讲析与课堂讨论相结合; 课堂教学与课外阅读及音像作品
3、在教学过程中,培养学生辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点, 使之从中受到思想
4、本门课程的教学应该既注重本科知识的系统性又兼顾其扩展性; 既关注其学术性
How to learn modern Chinese literature?
1. According to the clue of the history of modern Chinese literature, the author's works are the focus of analysis. Bring literary history with writers' works.
2. Teaching method is mainly adopted. The combination of teachers' analysis and classroom discussion; Classroom teaching, extracurricular reading and audio-visual works
Combine appreciation.
3. In the teaching process, cultivate students' dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and make them receive thoughts from it
Enlightenment and edification of emotion and morality to enhance the humanistic spirit. Train students to use scientific views and contemporary aesthetic standards
The ability to read and appreciate modern Chinese literary works quasi independently.
4. The teaching of this course should not only pay attention to the systematization of undergraduate knowledge, but also give consideration to its expansibility; Focus on its academic nature
Acceptable; We should not only accept the achievements of our predecessors, but also strive to be forward-looking. At the same time, we should pay attention to the nature of teachers.